Sunday, April 17, 2011


Life is a lot bigger than we remember sometimes. Today was our last day studying Revelation at church. It has been fantastic. And concluding our 7-week study was amazing because it meant that we got to hear the end of the story, the part where we see what Jesus is really all about.

Dave brought up some of our "images" of Jesus, including his senior portrait. I mean, we can really create some Jesuses, can't we? There are so many seemingly different forms of Christianity to subscribe to. The truth is that we are the ones who have created these things. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, no matter how relavent or irrelevant we feel we are.

And we are just so blinded. Constantly, here in the great ol' US of A, all we see is limited! We see a few brands of cell phones, tvs, cars and heck, seeds! We are coerced in what to eat, wear, drink, drive. I mean, there are only 2 legit brands of soda. WE ARE SO LIMITED. We just do not see the big picture. We rush rush rush to buy buy buy. Jamie gave me a great book called "First Time Mom" and in the book, it talks about parents working not to get by but just to accumulate more possessions! Unbelievable. Ryan brought up a bumper sticker today that says "You aren't what you possess" but we really just think that's the end of it!

We are so blind. So, so, so blind.

And we do it to ourselves. We allow ourselves to give in to advertising propaganda, the systems of the world and our own insecurities! And at what cost? Or to what benefit? So you got some more shit. Big deal. And then what? In a few years, months or weeks you throw it out just to buy something else? Really? And that's what you're working for? Hell, it's what I'm working for?

Come on! We are more than this! We have meaning! We have worth! And it has NOTHING to do with this money that WE created! I mean, so you make $120,00 a year. Ok. So you make $12,00 a year. Is one more important? Or me. I stay home with kids. I have NO money to my own name. Where does that leave me? Jesus tells us that in the end, he will reward us for what we have done. Well. I wonder how great this reward will be when we find that all we've spent our lives doing is trying to spend more money.

Let. It. Go.

Move on! Pick up a new system of doing things! We are better than this. We are more than this! Could I be on a bigger soap box or yell any louder? We have got to change the way we think. Not to be a cheeseball but the things that matter are FREE. The Spirit tells us "Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." (Revelation 22:17)

I don't know about you, but I'm fucking thirsty.

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