Saturday, July 3, 2010

Here today, and probably here again tomorrow.

You know, I really feel more like myself, or at least like I have a little more "me" time if I blog. Over the past year or so, I've done a few but haven't really kept up with them. My excuse? "Well, I have a kid, so I don't really have time to blog." Or "I don't really have a subject, like recipes or household stuff or kid stuff or religious stuff." Then I realized that really, I don't need a platform. And I really don't need anyone to read this ol' thing (which makes writing it way easier). I just need something to create and a reason beside facebook and email to be online. I feel a bit more productive.

My life, as of today, is one filled with anticipation and excitement. I'm so excited for this little baby boy to get here and join his big sister in the chaos of daily life in this household. And as I type this, he kicks under my ribs as if to remind me his life is already relatively chaotic. But I don't think he quite gets it. Our lives out here in the outside world are really insane and sometimes hard to deal with. I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into by joining this family. We're all a lot to put up with, really. And I think it goes without saying that our lives are completely unpredictable. I know this is true of everyone but I believe it has been especially true for us lately.

Our timeline has been hard to follow but it often reminds me I'm not the boss I think I am. Everything big in our life has been unexpected and unplanned. Our kids, our big move (all 3 of them), jobs (or lack thereof)... I think we just work under the expectation that nothing goes as planned and good things come to those who make irrational choices. I don't know that I would recommend this theory for everyone. It just seems to have worked for us.

Don't get me wrong: I LOVE my life. It's perfect in that crazy imperfect kind of way. I have been given an understanding and hardworking husband, a little girl with a personality to envy and a little boy to share more experiences with. Life is beautiful. Life is what it should ben. And I'm grateful to have a few beautiful souls to celebrate the chaos.

1 comment:

  1. A few beautiful souls to celebrate the chaos is my new favorite line. :)
