Saturday, January 7, 2012

Just real quick

I have to go to work- not "got" to but "get" to (any Greg Baty fans will understand the reference)- in like 56 minutes so I'll make it quick.

About 5 minutes ago, I read a blog called "Living life Intentionally" that a guy I went to college  with and his wife write.  I realize I spend an awful lot of my thought-time being in a negative space.  Even reading their title made me want to do better, to live with intention and purpose.  So, at least today, I'll follow their lead a make a top-5 thankfulness list, just to get my Saturday going in the right direction.

1. Friends.  Good.  Bad.  Same. Different.  Having relationships outside the nuclear family that I don't "got" to have but "get" to have.  I'm thankful for the challenges they bring and the healing, all in the same breath.
2. My neighborhood and the amazing people that are a part of it.  God is really doing something big here. It's nice to remember how much he cares. And that our sweet friends, Kala and John Michael are coming to scope the place out to see if they want to be a part of it soon!  Eek!
3. My little antique store job.
4. Coffee.  Dark, black, bold coffee.
5. My hot, caring, forgiving, human-not-faking-it husband, who watches documentaries that compel him to dumpster $200 worth of delicious food, clean, cook and store it all, plays beautiful music as our children dance, says he doesn't have 20 minutes to run with me but has an extra 20 to sleep (ahem. he is in bed right now with that excuse), and thinks that the only way to have a good time is if bowling is involved.  We screw up lots and lots and lots (times like a million) but I know God is doing something and has a unique purpose for us being together and I know we are slowly getting there.

So there, negative energy.  Take some positivity today.

Oh, and I'll add #6:
6. Gold nail polish.  Sheesh.  Who knew?

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