Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Not your catchy blog title

I'm about 7 days-ish late on my Week 3 ORGANIZE NOW! blog. Weeks 1 and 2 were really introspective, concerning my priorities and mind. Week 3 starts getting into a little more tangible work, that I've found myself thinking on daily. That's pretty good because I guess that's the point of the book.

So Week 3: Organize your Schedule.

Before I even get to that, I want to revisit my New Year's resolutions. So far, so good. I don't think I've failed them yet, which is great 25 days in! I just sometimes get SO overwhelmed with all I WANT to do vs. all I can FEASIBLY do. I want so badly to have a successful Etsy site and killer craft blog that creative folks drool over for inspiration (meanwhile, I'm gleaning inspiration from other brilliant craft bloggers). I want so badly to take it beyond that and have a little space at Area 15 or something of the sort dedicated half to my craftiness, half to Ryan's photography and just have a cutie pie little family of successful entrepreneurs. These goals sometimes really overwhelm me to the point of not even trying to get started and I really just needed to get that out and in writing. Thank you, therapeutic blog. Now, back to my original point of organizing my schedule.

My book told me to buy a planner. Done and done. I live for planners. I BREATHE for planners. (Oh yeah, and Jesus, too). So that one was a given. And my planner is legit, too, let me tell you. And at half off at Barnes and Noble, I am certainly enjoying it and will until Dec 2012 (and no, that's not because I think the world will end then. It's just because it's when my pages run out, silly!)

Another GREAT thing it has suggested is that you sort your tasks! A) This week. B) This month.(Thank you notes, birthday gifts.....) C) Tentative future plans (lunch with friends, skype dates, blah blah blah). Another one was to schedule all your doctors appointments for your family. Well, I saw my lactation consultant this week, further nailing down that I have (for the most part) sworn off the conventional doctor, so technically, that one is off my list considering I don't need to do it. (Hippie propaganda. Sorry.)

I think my favorite thing on the list was one of the tips: Be realistic. Phew. What a load off. I love a good list. (Have I mentioned that before? Because if not, I could elaborate for a while...) My lists, however, have a tendency to get very detailed and very overwhelming. I like the idea of focusing on my humanity, of realizing that really, with 2 little kids and a 1100 square foot house of cutie pie, cramped up chaos, I may not get around to EVERY nit-picky thing I want to do. And back to the priority bit--- If I'm constantly cleaning, organizing, scheduling appointments and having little lunch dates, I forget my own family, the ones I've chosen to spend my days with instead of trudging up some theoretical ladder. It really is about prioritizing and giving yourself a break. The author even mentions monthly scheduling downtime. This may sound easy to some, but for the Type A's purchasing and completing the book, it is a new (or at least rarely used) concept.

I really believe God put on my heart that for the month of January, to take him at his Word and try out a weekly break. Or I think he calls it a "Sabbath"- a day of rest, intended for worship. Not the go-to-a-building-and-sing-with-some-folks kind of worship but the intense worship with the soul that can only happen when you begin to discipline yourself enough to BE STILL. Sometimes for me, it takes more self control NOT to clean than to actually get up and do it. There is plenty of debate over whether this is a Saturday or Sunday thing and which day is truly the 7th day. I just opt out and go for Friday. :) It's normally the day I only have 1 kid and the day there are no good classes at the YMCA. I might be getting the day right but I am learning a lot and certainly not missing the point.

Being realistic and being restful. Two things that are not my strong point. My dad always told me "You've got too many irons in the fire, girl." (That's southern for "My, you've got a lot on your to do!") It is my nature and it takes a lot to get around it but so far, I'm seeing some positive change!

Thanks for following my little journey!

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