Friday, October 1, 2010

My Life is not Perfect.

My life is not perfect. Well, to some anyway.

My house is not perfectly clean. (Or partially...)
Groceries do not always exist.
Meals are not always prepared.

My kids do not perfectly sleep.
My oldest doesn't not perfectly listen.
My youngest does not perfectly nurse.... though his weight gain may prove otherwise.
My oldest does not perfectly avoid hitting. Including her teacher.

My body is not perfectly trimmed down.
My diet is not perfectly balanced.
My car doesn't perfectly start.
My attitude isn't always consistent.
My relationship with my husband isn't perfectly pleasant.
I don't get a perfect 8 hours of sleep... ever.
My clothes no longer perfectly fit.
Our bills are not perfectly caught up.

I do not have perfectly updated baby books.
I do not always perfectly bathe my babies.
I don't always perfectly change the youngest's diapers.

I do not perfectly understand my relationships with others.
I do not understand the resistance I have towards others.
My days are not perfectly planned to balance babies, friends, or community involvement.
I would often rather sleep than communicate.

But I can tell you one thing. I am okay. I am okay with just being okay. I am okay with doing my best. I am okay if my best involves dirty diapers wrapped up, but not trashed. I'm okay with having clean dishes, even if they are still in the dishwasher. I'm okay with having clean sheets, even if they're STILL in the dryer. I'm okay with having flaking fingernail polish. I'm okay with having a body that says "Look at me! I have kids!" I'm okay with my only outing being the gym, even if it's simply to leave the house. I'm okay with having a little tree-frog of a baby who's constantly attached to me. I'm okay with a defiant 3-year-old who is constantly negotiating. I am okay with a husband who is gone every night to work so I can stay home with our kids. I'm okay with letting go of petty things to make room for the big stuff.

I'm okay with with my own brand of perfect. And I am okay with me.

1 comment:

  1. my fave party... the wrapped up diapers that are not trashed... one day my kids in my youth group "broke in" our house to tp it. They found all of these wrapped up diapers and had them all over the tops of my ceiling fans in the house. There had to be like 10 of them :) hilarious!
    ps... whose life is perfect?? I would love to get her autograph!
