Thursday, October 14, 2010

In the news today

My morning began today as most do: with an intense desire for coffee. I am beyond blessed to have Adalai in preschool.... that is right down the road from Starbucks. So I drop her off, and change the music from Empire of the Sun (to which Adalai is addicted) to your local NPR. And today's Charlotte Talks hot button issue was none other than homosexuality and bullying.

I was so incredibly interested in this topic. As a God-follower (no, not in the twitter sense), I felt myself becoming very emotionally engaged in the discussion. I hoped to call in or send an earth-shattering email to be read on-air with much fanfare, and then realized: I really just don't know where to begin.

Homosexuality, coupled with teen suicide, has been a media-pressed issue for the past few weeks. I mean, I don't need to even bring up the tragedy of the Rutger's student. As a mother, tears well up in my eyes as I think of the pain of this man, this son. Realistically, it should illicit emotion from anyone familiar with the story, regardless.

I feel I have been bombarded with the topic of gay acceptance through various media outlets recently. And honestly, I think it is a very beautiful thing. I wrote a blog a few months back concerning gay marriage and the topic continues to peek my interest. There were so many excellent points brought on by the discussion. A young girl of only 15 stated (paraphrased) "We cannot change bullying, we must change a culture." Another man called, who has a gay son and step-son and blamed religious teaching, as did another emailer.

And that's where I divert. The caller stated "The problem is that from a young age, people are taught that the Bible is the Word of God and that homosexuality is an abomination. People then believe they have authority from God to take these matters into their own hands. If the Bible were treated as a religious work as opposed to the authoritative Word of God, people would not feel an obligation to eliminate this behavior." (also paraphrased).

Sadly enough, I agree.... almost. I do believe the Bible is the word of God. That is a concrete truth in my life. But in spite of my doctrinal differences with the caller, one thing remains the same: People believe they have the authority to take matters into their own hands. Anyone who reads the Bible and only reads about the Old Testament abomination of homosexuality has apparently overstepped the New Testament call to Love, a call not to judge, unless we want all of our shortcomings on the table to be viewed by all.

I do not claim to know what God thinks about homosexuality or sexuality in general. Is homosexuality worse than adultery? Is it worse than heterosexual sex outside of marriage? Is it a choice or are there biological determinants? I don't know. One thing I am certain of, though. Jesus came that we may have life, and that our lives may be more fulfilled. There is nothing fulfilling about fear-driven hatred or judgement. In fact, "Perfect love drives out fear."

So, to again quote the 15-year-old guest (who does not claim to identify with one gender above another) "We must change a culture". In this case, our Christian culture. We must become not a subculture who is hateful towards or oblivious to those who live outside our worldview, but instead those who chose to embrace Jesus' teaching of love. We must change our mindset of "God hates fags" (whether we show in through picket signs or judgmental glances) to a heart of love, with open arms accepting all and leaving the judgment to God.

"For God so loved the world..." Funny. We're all included.


  1. I think I ahree with you but I am not sure. I think the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin. This is not just in the OT but also in the NT (Romans 1:26-27). However, I think you are correct that it is not more of a sin and not even more detrimental to the family than adultery or any other heterosexual sin. As Christians, our responsibility is to be clear about what the Scriptures teach in regards to homosexuality or any other sin. However, it is also our responsibility to do this in a way that seeks to draw people to the cross of Christ where they may find redemption.

  2. I have felt this issue being pushed lately too Liz, and as a youth pastor's wife... God has put it in me to tread lightly with my kids {one of which is struggling with being bi, and one whose brother is Homosexual.} One thing I do know, as you stated earlier is that

    I found the passage in 2Tim 3...
    1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
    2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
    3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
    4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
    but then I looked back to 2 Tim 2
    24And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
    25In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
    26And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

    I agree that it is our own fault we are failing these people... Jesus dealt in Love, true love, which honestly I do not think that some Christians have, because honestly they probably are not saved, because to truly know love we must know Christ, because God is love.

    So here we have come to a fork in the road. God does say this {and God is the same God in the old testament as he was in the new.. and sin does not change.. and God does not change} He says that homosexuality is an abomination. Basically.. it is the worste sin in the Bible, and I do believe that God categorizes sins for a reason. I believe this outburst of homosexuality is a signs of the end times, but I also believe that it is our fault we are not reaching them.

    Christians are scared to witness as we should, on their level. We should have pity on people who feel bullied, but here is the honest truth, THey are lost in a world of no hope without the only hope {Christ}. Can you imagine how that would feel. I always tell my youth kids this. WE will never change people's opinions about {homosexuality, abortion, sex before marriage} until we attack the heart problem first. In 1Cor 1:16 it saysFor the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. Therefore, we will never win this battle until we reach the people's hearts first. To not let someone in our church who is homosexual would be wrong, to not show them our love would be wrong, but to not witness to them, and try to win them for Christ would be the greatest wrong of all. Once they are saved, and have a new outlook on life, God can heal the rest.

    The fact of the matter is this.. as Christians we are bullied, made fun of, losing our rights, more than anyone else in our country, and it is sad, and I think that we should fight for it. I think that God is honestly sick of our nation, and our luke-warm Christianity. THere are nations all over the world that are perishing for their faith, being bullied, killed, martyred, and that is no where on the news.

    Anyways I guess all of that to say.. We are not true Christians if we do not love, but we are also not true Christians if we stand by idly and watch God be run over. I do not pretend to have all of the answers, but I do feel that God loves them, but HATES what they are doing. They are turned over to unnatural lusts {For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error}.-this is in the new testament Romans I believe.

    It is not up to us to judge, but it is up to us to preach, and stand up against that which is wrong, but in Love.. that is the part we are missing out on.
    Christen Lucas

  3. very hard topic... I feel like I deal with issues like this everyday with my youth group. We constantly have kids coming to us asking:
    1. How do you know homosexuality is wrong?
    2. How do you know the Bible is the word of God?
    3. Why is it wrong to have sex before marriage?
    4. Why do you think abortion is wrong?
    And every time a new question is brought to me I just have to stop and pray for guidance.
    I do know one thing about my Jesus- He loved everyone: the harlot, the homosexual, the beggar, the thief... and He never looked at anyone and saw anything less than a person who needed His sweet grace.
    Do I think homosexuality is wrong? Beyond a doubt. I have read arguments for both sides, I have friends who are gay and proud, and I have never used my faith to attack them... but I try to live my life so that they will see Christ and that His love is bigger than prejudice. I once met a transgender female in Chicago who was witnessed to by a pastor. Her whole life she had preached out against Christianity because they preached at her... but she had never known love. All it took was one Christian to look at her and let her see Jesus through her life for her see Christ for who He was. Christ did not have to scream at the adulterer at the well, He just showed her some kindness. And she turned her life around and wanted to show others the same thing she had been shown. I do think that bullying (no matter the type) is shameful. I was bullied for my weight in high school and struggled with bulimia for a while because of it... but I did not blame my Christian friends and their religion for it. I have seen where thousands of people in India are being raped, murdered or kidnaped for ransom because of their faith in Christ on Voice of the Martyrs. I know a missionary who was imprisoned and family burned because He would not deny Jesus. I have a girl in my youth group whose teacher took her Bible and told her to stop being a Jesus freak because she was reading it in her free time. But that will never make the news, why? Because this is not our home and we are not here to be comfortable. Just like the disciples, we are here to share His love and death with a world who hates us.

    What it all boils down to is US. We Christians are lukewarm. We do not stand for anything because we have no spine. We do not see a pure Savior and a dying lost world. We want world peace, no matter the religion or life-style... but my God did not come and be crucified for world peace. He came to turn the heart of the people from the pain of this world to the beautiful love He gives. If we would make a stand by loving instead of judging then this world would really see my Jesus. Start Living His Love and there wont be a need for articles on homosexual bullying.
